TraffLab Research Fellow – LL.M. Student
Academic Year 2018-2019

Yonat Ben-Ozer
Yonat Ben-Ozer is an LL.M student in the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. She is a graduate of the Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students in Tel Aviv University, from which she also earned her LL.B. She is interested in worker's rights, feminism, discrimination, public policy and law and social change.
Research at TraffLab: In the project, she researches the Fair Food Program as a case study for unionization of migrant workers through the eyes of the labor approach to human trafficking.
Relevant Publications
Yonat Ben Ozer, Worker Driven Social Responsibility: A Workable Model to Transform Exploitative Labor Markets or a Context-Specific Success?, 43(1) Geography Research Forum, Special Issue: Exploitative Farm Labor Migration: North American and Israeli Perspectives 81 (2024). [Full Text]