Visiting Research Fellow at TraffLab

Shahar Shoham
Shahar Shoham is a PhD candidate in Area and Global Studies at The Institute for Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin in Germany and a PhD scholarship holder of Hans Böckler Foundation in Germany and is a Visiting Researcher at TraffLab.
Shoham holds a double major B.A in Philosophy and East Asia Studies from Tel Aviv University, an M.A in Global Studies from Humboldt University, and received a full M.A scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Her current ethnographic research focuses on work migration from Thailand to the agriculture sector in Israel, while addressing issues of return migration, migration regimes, migrants' unions and labor rights struggles, migrant communities, visual imaginaries of mobilities and identities of the people on the move and their communities.
Previously, Shoham advocated for migrants and refugees rights in Israel while working in “Physicians for Human Rights-Israel”, first in the organization's Open Clinic and later as the head of the Migrants Department. She recently co-initiated an independent collaborative research project focusing on the trajectories of Eritrean refugees who ‘voluntary’ departed Israel to Rwanda and found refuge in Europe.
Research at TraffLab: Shoham is working on a project together with TraffLab Research Fellow Yahel Kurlander researching intersectional perspective of women labor migrants who are employed in men-dominated occupations, focusing on Thai migrant women working in the agriculture sector in Israel.
Relevant Publications
Yahel Kurlander, Shahar Shoham and Matan Kaminer, Crucial Yet Disavowed: Thai Migrant Farmworkers and Israel’s Migration Regime, 43(1) Geography Research Forum, Special Issue: Exploitative Farm Labor Migration: North American and Israeli Perspectives 105 (2024) [Full Text]