The TraffLab research project began in April 2018. We are working on various research projects. Here are some of the titles we are working on. We will upload further work in progress and published work as soon as we can, as it becomes available. Meanwhile, if any of this research interests you please contact us at trafflabor@gmail.com, or contact the authors individually.
A Labor Approach to Human Trafficking
Hila Shamir, A Labor Approach to Human Trafficking: Twenty Years of International Efforts to Address Human Trafficking, Iyunei Mishpat 377 (2021). [Hebrew] [Abstract in English]
Human Trafficking - Definitions
Maayan Niezna, Forced Labour of Migrant Workers – Conceptual and Practical Challenges with Legal Definitions.
Migration Governance, Migration Regimes and Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs)
Tamar Barkay, Yael Kurlander and Idit Zimmerman, Live-in or Locked-out: Housing of Migrant Workers before and during COVID-19, Housing Studies, 1 (2024). [Full Text]
Yael Kurlander and Zeevik Greenberg, Editorial Introduction: Agriculture Labor Migration in an (Un)changing World,
43(1) Geography Research Forum, Special Issue: Exploitative Farm Labor Migration: North American and Israeli Perspectives (co-editors Yahel Kurlander and Zeevik Greenberg) 1 (2024). [Full Text] [Link to Full Volume]
Jon Davies, Hanna Maria Malik, Anniina Jokinen and Saara Haapasaari, Private and Public Co-operation in Preventing and Addressing Corporate Crime: The Case of Labour Trafficking in the Finnish Construction Industry, Crime Law Soc Change (2023). [Full Text]
Ayushman Bhagat,“Who is Not an Agent Here?”: The Collateral Damage of Anti-Trafficking in Nepal, Antipode 1 (2022). [Full Text]
Bilateral Labor Agreements, 23(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Special Issue (Guest editors Adam Chilton, Tamar Megiddo and Hila Shamir) (2022). [Link to Full Volume, English]
Yuval Livnat and Hila Shamir, Gaining Control? Bilateral Labor Agreements and the Shared Interest of Sending and Receiving Countries to Control Migrant Workers and the Illicit Migration Industry, 23(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Special Issue: Bilateral Agreements 65 (2022). [Full Text]
Tamar Megiddo, Obscurity and Nonbindingness in the Regulation of Labor Migration, 23(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Special Issue: Bilateral Agreements 95 (2022). [Full Text]
Ayushman Bhagat, Entrapment Processes in the Emigration Regime: The Presence of Migration Bans and the Absence of Bilateral Labor Agreements in Domestic Work in Nepal, 23(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Special Issue: Bilateral Agreements 222 (2022). [Full Text]
Yahel Kurlander and Avinoam Cohen, BLAs as Sites for the Meso-Level Dynamics of Institutionalization: A Cross-Sectoral Comparison, 23(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Special Issue: Bilateral Agreements 246 (2022). [Full Text]
Yahel Kurlander, On the Establishment of the Agricultural Migration Industry in Israel's Countryside, 41 Geography Research Forum 19 (2022). [Full Text]
Jon Davies, Labour Exploitation and Posted Workers in the European Construction Industry, in EUROPEAN WHITE-COLLAR CRIME: EXPLORING THE NATURE OF EUROPEAN REALITIES, (Nicholas Lord, Eva Inzelt, Wim Huisman & Rita Faria, (eds.) Bristol University Press, 2021). [Full text]
Yuval Livnat, Israel's Bilateral Agreements with Source Countries of Migrant Workers: What is Covered, What is Ignored and Why? 14 (1) Tel Aviv Univ L. Rev 113 (2022). [Hebrew]
Yuval Livnat, Israel's Bilateral Agreements with Source Countries of Migrant Workers: What is Covered, What is Ignored and Why? (December 17, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3523087
Assaf Bondy and Hila Shamir, Spectrums of Agency and Vulnerability: Migration Regimes and Sectoral Segmentation in the Israeli Construction Sector.
Hanny Ben Israel and Yahel Kurlander, The Day After: New and Old Configurations of Employment and Recruitment of Migrant Workers in the Age of Bilateral Agreements.
Tamar Megiddo, Learning from the BITS: Bilateral Labor Agreements in Comparative Perspective. (2020) Draft available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3672931
Avinoam Cohen, Decentered Migration Governance.
Yahel Kurlander and Matan Kaminer, Permanent Workers in the Backyard: The Employment of Thai Migrant Farmworkers in the Israeli Countryside, 98 Horizons in Geography 131 (2020). [Hebrew], Available at SSRN:
Moria Paz, Lost in the Maze: Refugees and the Law, 53 (2) Seton Hall L. Rev 768 (2022). [Link to Full Text]
Moria Paz, The Legal Reconstruction of Walls: N.D. & N.T. v. Spain, 2017, 2020, 22 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol’y 693 (2020). [Full Text]
Yahel Kurlander and Shahar Shoham, Intersectional Perspective of Women Labor Migrants in a Men-Dominated Occupation: The Agriculture Sector Case .
Yahel Kurlander, Shahar Shoham and Matan Kaminer, Crucial Yet Disavowed: Thai Migrant Farmworkers and Israel’s Migration Regime, 43(1) Geography Research Forum, Special Issue: Exploitative Farm Labor Migration: North American and Israeli Perspectives 105 (2024) [Full Text]
Yahel Kurlander, Michal Tadjer and Zoe Gutzeit, Privatization, Exclusion and Neglect – The Health of Migrant Workers in the Israeli Agricultural Sector, Mishapt U'Mimshal (Law and Governance) (2022). [Hebrew]
National Legislation and Regulation
Hila Shamir, Einat Peled and Guy Shilo, Predictors of Public Attitudes Regarding the Impact of “End Demand” Legislation: Findings from an Israeli Survey, Sex Res Soc Policy (2023).The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13178-023-00915-y.
Trafficking in Persons, 6 Law, Culture and Society, Special Issue (Guest editors Hila Shamir, Hanny Ben Israel and Maayan Niezna) (2023). [Link to Full Volume, Hebrew with English Table of Contents and Abstracts]
Hila Shamir, Hanny Ben Israel and Maayan Niezna, Introduction: Trafficking in Persons - Past, Present and Future, 6 Law, Culture and Society, Special Issue: Trafficking in Persons 9 (2023). [Hebrew]
Hanny Ben Israel, The Immigration Challenge of Labor Law, 6 Law, Culture and Society, Special Issue: Trafficking in Persons 177 (2023).
[Hebrew] [Abstract in English]
Avinoam Cohen and Yahel Kurlander, Agriculture as a Site of Trafficking in Persons, Modern Slavery and Forced Labor: Between Migrant Recruitment and Worker Rights, 6 Law, Culture and Society, Special Issue: Trafficking in Persons 239 (2023). [Hebrew] [Abstract in English]
Inga Thiemann and Hila Shamir, A Social-Legal Analysis of Reforms in the Regulation of Sex Work: The Case Study of End Demand Legislation in Israel, 2 (1,2) International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law 19 (2022). [Full Text]
Maayan Niezna, Paper Chains: Tied Visas, Migration Policies, and Legal Coercion, 49 (2) Journal of Law and Society 362 (2022). [Link to Full Text]
Hanna Mallik, Johanna Vanto, Liisa Lähteenmäki, Jalo Vatjus-Anttila and Jon Davies, A Critical Perspective on The Administrative Approach to Crime Prevention: The Case of Labour Trafficking, European Journal of Criminology (April 2022). doi:10.1177/14773708221092330 [Full Text]
Yahel Kurlander and Idit Zimmerman, "Suitable Accommodation" for Agricultural and Migrant Home Care Workers Before and After Covid-19, 12 Hagira [Hebrew] Full text available here.
Yahel Kurlander, Maayan Niezna and Hila Shamir, COVID-19’s Impact on Non-Israeli Workers: Vulnerability, Commodification and Hope, 2 Israeli Sociology 82 (2021). [Hebrew] Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract= 3830342
Maayan Niezna, Yahel Kurlander and Hila Shamir, Underlying Conditions: The Increased Vulnerability of Migrant Workers Under COVID-19 in Israel, 6 (2) J. of Modern Slavery 133 (2021). [Full Text] Available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3871818
Hila Shamir, Feminist Approaches to the Regulation of Sex Work: Patterns in Transnational Governance Feminist Law Making, 52 Cornell Int'l L.J. 177 (2019). [Full Text]
Jon Davies, Criminological Reflections on the Regulation and Governance of Labour Exploitation, Trends Organ Crime (2019).
The final publication is available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12117-019-09370-x
Nomi Levenkron, Can the Master’s Tools Dismantle His House? Legislation as a Tool for Social Change: Criminalization of Customers in Sweden and Israel as a Case Study, Hukim (forthcoming). [Hebrew] [Draft]
Hanny Ben Israel, The Fragile String to Life Itself – Labor, Migration and Care between Altruism and Instrumentalism.
Yahel Kurlander and Yuval Livnat, Opening the Black Box of Recruitment Fees – Between Agency and Structure.
שקד הרן, העסקה קבלנית של עובדות הניקיון באוניברסיטת תל אביב – נקודת מבט ביקורתית (עבודת מחקר,דצמבר 2019).[מאמר להורדה]
Workers’ Organizations
Assaf S. Bondy and Jonathan Preminger, Conflicting Imperatives? Ethnonationalism and Neoliberalism in Industrial Relations, 0(0) ILR Review (2022). The final publication is available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00197939221145117
Assaf S. Bondy and Jonathan Preminger, Collective Labor Relations and Juridification: A Marriage Proposal (2020), 43(3) Economic and Industrial Democracy 1260, available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3772184. The final publication is available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0143831X20983593
Assaf S. Bondy, New Labor Actors Under Corporatism: Complementarity and the Renewal of Class Representation for Precarious Workers (2020), 47(3) Critical Sociology 425. The final publication is available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0896920520965659
Yonat Ben Ozer, Worker Driven Social Responsibility: A Workable Model to Transform Exploitative Labor Markets or a Context-Specific Success?, 43(1) Geography Research Forum, Special Issue: Exploitative Farm Labor Migration: North American and Israeli Perspectives 81 (2024). [Full Text]
Corporate Responsibility and Supply Chains
Klaas Hendrik Eller, Is ‘Global Value Chain’ a Legal Concept? Situating Contract Law in Discourses Around Global Production, 16(1) European Review of Contract Law 3 (2020). The final published version of this article is available here.
Tamar Barkay, Jonathan Davies, Irene Pietropaoli and Hila Shamir, Anti-trafficking Chains: Analyzing the Impact of Transparency Legislation in the UK Construction Sector, Law & Social Inquiry (2024). Published online 2024:1-32. doi:10.1017/lsi.2024.6 . [Full Text]
Jon Davies, Criminogenic Dynamics of the Construction Industry: A State-Corporate Crime Perspective, 3(2) Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime 90 (2021). [Full text, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3869658 ] The final published version of this article is available at https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/FTX8TIYVFK5SHJRAYS6J/full.
Jon Davies, Corporate Harm and Embedded Labour Exploitation in Food Supply Networks, European Journal of Criminology (September 12, 2019). [Full text, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3665219] The final published version of this article is available here.