TraffLab Research Fellow
Dr. Nomi Levenkron
Dr. Nomi Levenkron is a post-doctoral student at the Institute of Criminology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a TraffLab Research Fellow.
She is also a researcher and a lecturer at Haifa University, Tel Aviv University and the Yezreel Valley College. Levenkron received her PhD from the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law (2018), and her PhD thesis deals with the regulation of prostitution and trafficking of women in the State of Israel (1948-1965). Her research and teaching fields cover human trafficking, police and policing, and social history of the 1950s. In the past, she headed the Legal Department of the Hotline for Migrant Workers, and represented mainly victims of trafficking. She also ran the center for clinical legal education at the Law School of the College of Management.
Research at TraffLab: Levenkron’s research at TraffLab relates to Israel’s new “End Demand Law”, criminalizing the purchase of prostitution.
Relevant Publications:
Nomi Levenkron, Can the Master’s Tools Destroy His House? Legislation as a Tool for Social Change: Criminalization of Customers in Sweden and Israel as a Case Study, Hukim (forthcoming, 2021). [Hebrew] [Draft]
Nomi Levenkron and Hadar Dancig-Rosenberg, Migratory Victimization, 37 Tel-Aviv Univ. Law Rev. 341 (2015). [Hebrew] [Full Text]
Nomi Levenkron, in THE ISRAELI CLIENT IN: PROSTITUTION, TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN AND PORNOGRAPHY 143 (Arela Shadmi and Esther Hertzog (eds.) 2013). [Hebrew]
Nomi Levenkron, What is a Law Student Doing in a Brothel? Notes on Legal Clinics, Police Officers and Women in Prostitution, 17(2) Hamishpat 161 (2012). [Hebrew] [Full Text]
Nomi Levenkron, Money of Their Own: Civil Claims by Victims of Trafficking, in LAW, SOCIETY AND CULTURE: EMPOWERMENT ON TRIAL 451 (Guy Mundlak and Mimi Azenstadt (eds.) 2008). [Hebrew]
Nomi Levenkron, The Goat, the Clinic and Trafficking in Women, 1 Ma'asei Mishpat (Law & Social Change) 79 (2008). [Hebrew] [Full Text]
Nomi Levenkron and Yossi Dahan, Trafficking in Women in Israel, 24 Theory and Criticism 9 (2004). [Hebrew] [Full Text]
Tsachi Keren-Paz and Nomi Levenkron, Clients’ Strict Liability Towards Victims of Sex-Trafficking, 29(3) Legal Studies 438 (2009). [Full Text]
Deborah Bernstein, Hila Shamir, Nomi Levenkron, and Dlila Amir, Sex Work and Migration: The Case of Tel-Aviv and Jaffa, in SELLING SEX IN THE CITY: A GLOBAL HISTORY OF PROSTITUTION 1600s-2000s (Magaly Rodriguez Garcia, Lex Heerma Van Voss and Elise Van Nederveen Meerkerk (eds.) 2017).
Nomi Levenkron, The Story of Turgeman: Utopia in Chains – Turgeman v. the Attorney General, 10 Ma'asei Mishpat 405 (2019). [Hebrew]
Nomi Levenkron, to be published in JIMES - The Journal for Interdisciplinary Middle Eastern Studies, (forthcoming, 2019)) (reviewing Liat Kozma, Global Women, Colonial Ports: Prostitution in the Interwar Middle East (Albany: State University of New York, 2017). [Hebrew]