June 5, 2023
13:00 CEST
7:00 EST (New York), 14:00 IDT (Israel), 16:00 IST (India), 21:00 AEST (Melbourne)
Via Zoom
The event is open to the public.
Event Poster (English)
Event SUMMARY (English)
mHRDD Report (English)
Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence:
Risks and Opportunities for Workers and Unions
Roundtable Participants:
Heidi Hautala, Vice President of the European Parliament
Isabelle Schömann, Deputy General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
Jeff Vogt, Rule of Law Director, Solidarity Center &
Ruwan Subasinghe, Legal Director, International Transport Workers Federation
Ingrid Landau, Senior Lecturer, Monash University
The event is chaired by Associate Professor Shelley Marshall, Director, RMIT University Business and Human Rights Centre.
The report, available here, is authored by:
Shelley Marshall, RMIT University
Ingrid Landau, Monash University
Hila Shamir, Tel Aviv University
Tamar Barkay, Tel Hai College
Judy Fudge, McMaster University
Auret van Heerden, Equiception
Across the OECD, new laws are being passed to mandate human rights due diligence (HRDD), including the EU's proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. This roundtable examines whether HRDD initiatives are benefiting workers and balancing the asymmetries of information and power that characterise work in transnational supply chains. The roundtable brings together experts in worker rights and labour law with the Vice President of the European Parliament.
The panel will also reflect on the findings of the 'Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: Risks and Opportunities for Workers and Unions' report. The report recommends five key principles to ensure HRDD is institutionalised in a way capable of driving meaningful change for workers in transnational supplychains. Importantly, the report advocates restoring power to workers as active participants in setting and enforcing labour standards.
A summary of the event is available here.