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Tel Aviv University Workers' Rights Clinic - Attorney

Idit Zimmerman
Idit Zimmerman

Adv. Idit Zimmerman

Idit Zimmerman has been an instructor in the Tel Aviv University Law Faculty Workers' Rights Clinic since October of  2011.

Zimmerman holds an LL.B (Cum Laude, 2006) from Tel Aviv University and an LL.M Program in Public and International Law (Northwestern Program) (Cum Laude, 2012).  
Between the years 2006-2007,
Zimmerman clerked for the Solicitor General in the Tel Aviv District Civil Department. Between the years 2007-2011, she worked as Deputy to the Solicitor General in the Tel Aviv District Civil Department, practicing labor and administrative law.
As part of the  TraffLab project,
Zimmerman works in the Workers' Rights Clinic on a number of cases related to the Project research. Thus far, work has begun on a hotline for employers of migrant Care workers, and a large lawsuit has been filed in a case  on behalf of exploited migrant construction workers in Israel.





Relevant Publications


Tamar Barkay, Yael Kurlander and Idit Zimmerman, Live-in or Locked-out: Housing of Migrant Workers before and during COVID-19, Housing Studies, 1 (2024). [Full Text]


Yahel Kurlander and Idit Zimmerman, "Suitable Accommodation" for Agricultural and Migrant Home Care Workers  Before and After Covid-19, 12 Hagira [Hebrew] Full text available here.





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TraffLab is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 
Grant agreement No 756672. 

Principal Investigator: Hila Shamir
Host Institution: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Duration: 5 years
Start date: April 1st, 2018

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