November 19, 2019
Tel Aviv University - Buchmann Faculty of Law, Room 304
Event Poster (English)
Chair: Prof. Daphna Hacker, Head of the Women and Gender Studies Program,
Tel Aviv University
Hellen Nkuraiya, Tepesua Project
Esther Naini, among the first girls rescued by Hellen. She is a student in University taking a major in Community Development and a minor in Psychology
Discussant: Prof. Galia Sabar, President of the Ruppin Academic Center, Head of the African Studies Unit in the S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University
A talk by Hellen Nkuraiya A Maasai pioneer for girls' education and prevention of
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Hellen Nkuraiya, a teacher by profession, was raised within a traditional Maasai family. She was married off twice by her father (in exchange for cows), the first time at the age of Nine. Hellen ran away, and later received sponsorship for her higher education.
After completing her college education, she felt the need to address the challenges that affect the Maasai community, which range from early child marriages, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), women economic empowerment, fighting for girls education, and the rights of widows.