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May 11, 2023


Elga Cegla Conference Room

Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law


The event will take place in person and via zoom. 

Event Poster (Hebrew)

The Future of the Struggle Against Human Trafficking in Israel: From the Perspective of the Reforms to Israel’s Judicial System


Symposium Marking Publication of a Law, Society & Culture

Volume on “Human Trafficking”


 Guest Editors: Hila Shamir, Hanny Ben-Israel and Maayan Niezna

Conference Program:


16:45 Reception

17:00 Greetings


Prof. Yishai Blank, Dean, Buchmann Faculty Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law

Prof. Assaf Hamdani, Editor in Chief, “Law, Society & Culture”

Representative from the Offices of Erdinast, Ben Nathan Toledano & Co. with Hamburger Evron


17:15 Opening Remarks


Alona Gueta, Noga Moled, Omer Rosenvaks, Associate Journal Editors

Prof. Hila Shamir, PI - TraffLab ERC Research Group, Tel Aviv University


17:30 Lectures and Discussion on the Future of the Struggle Against Human Trafficking in Israel: From the Perspective of the Reforms to Israel’s Judicial System


Adv. Oded Feller, Head of the Legal Department, Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Dr. Yuval Livnat, Academic Director, Clinic for Refugee Rights, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law

Dr. Maayan Niezna, Post-doctoral Fellow, Bonavero Insitute of Human Rights, Oxford University Faculty of Law


18:30 Concluding Remarks and Discussion with Audience Participation


Adv. Hanny Ben-Israel, TraffLab Research Group, Tel Aviv University

19:00 Conclusion







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TraffLab is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 
Grant agreement No 756672. 

Principal Investigator: Hila Shamir
Host Institution: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Duration: 5 years
Start date: April 1st, 2018

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