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EVENTS: Woman with a headscarf on a balcony cleaning a window


20b HRDD event.png
Illustration of faces beside a triangle and the words "Democratic participation in the informal labor sector"
 Illustrations of faces with a triangle in the center; in the center of the triangle is a raised hand held in a fist.
21a 11.5.23 Event.png


Workers sorting pomengranates
hands holding a handwritten note listing hours
blue scaffolding over rows of shipping containers


Hand holding passport
women walking on a path through the forest




24/7 lit up in neon lights
shadows of three workers



a crowd of people walking
o	Three women standing, six boys sitting at desks with open schoolbooks, all wearing brightly colored capes, in a classroom
Five people standing waist-deep, picking plants, 5 tree trunks in background
•	Launch of a Digitized Database on Human Trafficking in Israel o	Picture: Three women working at a desk with computers
The Law Criminalizing the Purchase of Sexual Services – a Critical Discussion o	Picture: Backs of crowd holding opened red umbrellas
•	Globordered Intimacies: Immigration and Gendered Labor o	Picture: Concrete stairs, with a picture going up the wall next to the steps of black shadow figures holding hands


Minimum Wage Laws and Social Equality o	Picture: Women protesters with signs, including: “I deserve two hours rest” “Equal rights for . ..” and “Equal rights for all”
•	Challenges Facing the Long-Term Care Patient as an Employer o	Picture: Drawing of younger woman with brown hair in ponytail,with her arm around an older women with grey hair holding a cane; behind them is an open doorway
Bilateral Migration Agreements – “The Day After” o	Picture: Protesters holding signs; one in Hebrew says: Cucumber season, next to a man holding a fistful of cucumbers
arms and legs of a person pulling a sweet potato out of the earth
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TraffLab is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 
Grant agreement No 756672. 

Principal Investigator: Hila Shamir
Host Institution: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Duration: 5 years
Start date: April 1st, 2018

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