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September 9, 2020


Tel Aviv University

Buchmann Faculty of Law

Event Poster (Hebrew)


Mijal Corech, Spokesperson and Public Policy Coordinator, Kav LaOved


Prof. Hila Shamir, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law and Principal Investigator – TraffLab


Prof. Janice Fine, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University


Adv. Michal Tadjer, Kav LaOved


Dr. Naomi Friedman-Sokuler, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University


Adv. Avigail Shaham, Head of Legal Department, Koach LaOvdim – Democratic Workers’ Organization


Prof. Daniel Gottlieb, Deputy Director General of Research and Planning, National Insurance Institute



The “Kav LaOved” Report, published in May of 2020, revealed a continually increasing erosion in the enforcement of workers’ rights by the Ministry of Labor (Office of Regulation and Enforcement), and a decrease in the financial resources invested in enforcement.  In addition, current data from the National Insurance Institute indicates increases in violations of workers’ rights and in non-compliance with the Minimum Wage Law (in 2018 at least 11% of workers did not receive minimum wages). Violations of workers’ rights will likely be exacerbated in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic.  The work of civil society and labor rights organizations for improvement in and protection of workers’ rights is especially important, but their work alone is partial without effective state enforcement.  The purpose of this meeting is to allow for the sharing of ideas – amongst a group of scholars and organization representatives – in light of the Kav LaOved Report data, on failures in enforcement, tools to assess rights violations, and existing models for enforcement, as well as for creating an opportunity for creative and realistic thinking about operative ways to promote state enforcement of rights for deserving workers in Israel.    Our goal is to formulate, in the framework of this meeting, directions for action vis-à-vis and in collaboration with State enforcement actors.


This event is hosted by TraffLab (ERC): Labor Perspective to Human Trafficking.

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TraffLab is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 
Grant agreement No 756672. 

Principal Investigator: Hila Shamir
Host Institution: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Duration: 5 years
Start date: April 1st, 2018

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