June 6-8, 2021
Tel Aviv University
Virtual Format, Via Zoom
Event Poster (English)
Conference session times are listed on the Event Poster: Tel Aviv, GMT +3
Organizing Committee:
Prof. Hila Shamir, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, TraffLab (ERC) Principal Investigator
Prof. Adam Chilton, University of Chicago Law School
Dr. Tamar Megiddo, College of Law and Business and TraffLab (ERC)
Dr. Yahel Kurlander, TraffLab (ERC) Post-Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Avinoam Cohen, College of Management and TraffLab (ERC)
Dr. Yuval Livnat, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, TraffLab (ERC)
The conference aims to create a space for an interdisciplinary and international conversation between scholars on bilateral labor agreements, the motivations behind them, their implications for migration governance, the rights of workers and their unique character as international law documents. Papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal Theoretical Inquiries in Law (TIL).
Links to Recorded Conference Sessions:
June 6, 2021
Introduction to the conference: Hila Shamir and Tamar Megiddo
Setting the Stage
Adam Chilton, University of Chicago Law School; Bartek Woda, University of Chicago Law School
Discussant: Avinoam Cohen, College of Management and TraffLab
Yuval Livnat, TraffLab, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law; Hila Shamir, TraffLab, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law;
Discussant: Nicola Piper, Queen Mary University of London School of Law
Liminal Spaces
Ayushman Bhagat, TraffLab, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law;
Discussant: Rebeca Raijman, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Haifa
In the Zone: Work at the Intersection of Trade and Migration
Jennifer Gordon, Fordham University School of Law
Discussant: Hila Shamir, TraffLab, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
June 7, 2021
Appraising Bilateralism
Advancing Migrant Workers' Social Protection: A Critical Evaluation of Bilateralism
Marius Olivier, University of Western Australia Law School
Discussant: Rebekah Smith, Labor Mobility Partnerships (LaMP) & Center for Global Development
Labor Migration in France’s Bilateral Agreements on the Management of Migration and Development
Marion Panizzon, World Trade Institute
Discussant: Tamar Megiddo, College of Law and Business and TraffLab
Categorizing Rights
Global Interstate Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements (BLMA) as Migration Governance Tools: An Analysis from a Gender Lens
Nicola Piper, Queen Mary University of London School of Law; Jenna Hennebry, Wilfrid Laurier University
Discussant: Yahel Kurlander, TraffLab and Tel Hai Academic College
Delivering on the Promise of BLAs: the Need for a Quality Mobility Industry, Rebekah Smith, Labor Mobility Partnerships (LaMP) & Center for Global Development; Zuzana Cepla, Labor Mobility Partnerships (LaMP); Discussant: Jennifer Gordon, Fordham University School of Law
June 8, 2021
Migration Governance and Migrant Vulnerabilities
Understanding the Gaps Between the Bilateral Regularizing of Migration and Workers’ Rights: The Case of Agricultural Migrant Workers in Thailand, Sudarat Musikawong, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Discussant: Marius Olivier, University of Western Australia Law School
Bilateral Agreements, Precarious Work and the Vulnerability of Migrant Workers in Israel
Rebeca Raijman, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Haifa; Nonna Kushnirovich, Dept. of Economics and Management, Ruppin Academic Center
Discussant: Jenna Hennebry, Wilfrid Laurier University
Scales of Governance
BLAs as Sites of Organizational Institutionalization
Yahel Kurlander, TraffLab and Tel Hai Academic College; Avinoam Cohen, College of Management and TraffLab;
Discussant: Marion Panizzon, World Trade Institute
Secrecy and Informality
Secrecy & Non-Bindingness, Tamar Megiddo, College of Law and Business and TraffLab
Discussant: Adam Chilton, University of Chicago Law School
Informalization, Obfuscation and Bilateral Labor Agreements, Margaret Peters, Dept. of Political Science, UCLA ; Tijana Lujic, Institute of Political Science, Heidelberg University
Discussant: Janie Chuang, American University, Washington College of Law
and Concluding Remarks