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Visiting Research Fellow at TraffLab



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Alexander Trautrims

Dr. Alexander Trautrims

Dr. Trautrims is an Associate Professor in Supply Chain and Operations Management at Nottingham University Business School and the Associate Director of the Business and Economies Programme at theUniversity of Nottingham’s Rights Lab. He enjoys impactful, interdisciplinary research and working in close collaboration with policymakers, business practitioners, and NGOs.

Trautrims is particularly interested in researching the impact of supply chain structures on the occurrence of modern slavery and labour exploitation and how businesses can identify and address modern slavery in their supply chains effectively.


Research at Trafflab: During his time at the TraffLab, he worked on supply chain governance, the effects and implementation of supply chain-oriented legislation, and the transferability of effective solutions.





Relevant Publications: 


Gutierrez-Huerter O, G.; Gold, S. and Trautrims, A. (2021) Change in rhetoric but not in action? Framing of the issue of modern slavery in a high-risk sector for labor exploitation in the UK, Journal of Business Ethics.

Hughes, A.; Brown, J.; Trueba, M.; Bhutta, M.; Trautrims, A.; Bostock, B.; Day, E. and Hurst, R (2021) Global value chains for medical gloves during the COVID-19 pandemic: Confronting forced labour through public procurement, Global Networks.

Gold, S.; Gutierrez-Huerter O, G. and Trautrims, A. (2021) Methodologies for modern slavery risk assessment, Invited Commentary, Nature Food, Vol. 2, pp. 644–645.

Kougkoulos, I.; Cakir, M.S.; Kunz, N.; Boyd, D.; Trautrims, A.; Hatzinikolaou, K. and Gold, S. (2021), A multi-method approach to prioritize locations of labor exploitation for ground-based interventions, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 4396–4411.


Emberson, C., Pinheiro, S. and Trautrims, A. (2021) Adaptations to first-tier suppliers'  relational anti-slavery capabilities, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 575-593.

Leão, L.H.C., Siebert, P., Trautrims, A., Zanin, V. and Bales, K.(2021) A erradicação do trabalho escravo até 2030 e os desafios da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador / Eradicating slave labour by 2030: the challenge of worker health surveillance,Ciência & SaúdeColetiva, Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva, pp. 5883-5895.

Jardine, A.; Trautrims, A. and Gardner, A. (2021) Far from Clean: Labour Exploitation in the UK’s Hand Car Wash Sector. In: Gold et al. (Eds.) Bottom of the Pyramid in Affluent Countries, Routledge.

Phillips, A. and Trautrims, A. (2021) Feeding a Rich Nation: Modern Slavery Reporting in UK Agriculture. In: Gold et al. (Eds.) Bottom of the Pyramid in Affluent Countries, Routledge.

Emberson, C.; Pinheiro, S.; and Trautrims, A. (2020) Combating Slave Labour in Productive Chains: Capability developments in Brazilian-UK timber and beef supply chains. In: Leão and Leal (Eds.) Novos Caminhos para Erradicar o Trabalho Escravo Temporâneo.Editora CRV.

Trautrims, A.; Gold, S.; Touboulic, A.; Emberson, C; and Carter, H. (2020) The UK construction and facilities management sector’s response to the Modern Slavery Act: an intra-industry initiative against modern slavery, Business Strategy and Development, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 279-293.

Emberson, C. and Trautrims, A. (2020) How Might Modern Slavery Risk in English Adult Social Care Procurement be reduced?, Public Procurement Law Review, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 390-404.

Trautrims, A. (2020) Modern Slavery Responses Need International Business Scholarship.
Invited Commentary; Academy of International Business Insights, Vol. 20, No. 2.

Trautrims, A.; Schleper, M.; Cakir, S.; and Gold, S. (2020) Survival at the expense of the weakest? Managing modern slavery risks in supply chains during COVID-19. Invited Paper Journal of Risk Research, Vol. 23, No. 7-8, pp. 1067-1072.

Gold, S.; Chesney, T.; Gruchmann, T.; and Trautrims, A. (2020) Diffusion of labor standards through supplier-subcontractor networks. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 1274-1286.


Pinheiro, S.; Emberson, C. and Trautrims, A. (2019) 'For the English to see' or effective change? How supply chains are shaped by laws and regulations, and what that means for the exposure of modern slavery, Journal of the British Academy, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 167-190.


Chesney, T., Evans, K., Gold, S. and Trautrims, A. (2019) Understanding labour exploitation in the Spanish agricultural sector using an agent based approach; Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 214, pp. 696-704.


Emberson, C. and Trautrims, A. (2019) Public procurement and modern slavery risks in the English adult social care sector. In: Ortega, O. and Methven O’Brien, C., Public Procurement and Human Rights: Risks, Opportunities and Dilemmas for the State as Buyer, Edward Elgar.


Chesney, T., Gold, S. and Trautrims, A. (2017) Agent based modelling as a decision support system for shadow accounting. Decision Support Systems, Vol. 95, pp. 110-116.


Gold, S., Trautrims, A. and Trodd, Z. (2015) Modern slavery challenges to supply chain management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 20 No. 5 pp. 485 – 494. Highly Commended Award by Emerald Literati Network.

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TraffLab is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 
Grant agreement No 756672. 

Principal Investigator: Hila Shamir
Host Institution: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Duration: 5 years
Start date: April 1st, 2018

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