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Additional TraffLab Presentations

Caught in the Middle: Thai Migrant Workers in Israel Today,

SEA-Junction, November 14, 2023

Dr. Yahel Kurlander, Shahar Shoham

Supply Chain Capitalism: Legal Regimes and Worker Power - Program on Law and Political Economy at Harvard Law School, Spring 2024 Series, February 14, 2023

A New Labor Law for Supply Chain Capitalism

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Human Trafficking and Forced Labor: Challenges and Opportunities in Combatting a Global Phenomenon,                  Suffolk University (MA, USA), September 21, 2023

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Transnational Social Security Law in the Digital Age: Towards a Grassroots Policy of Redistribution, Warwick Law School (UK), September 5. 2023

Grassroots-inspired Demands and Practices:  ‘Transferability of Mathadi Boards’ Project’

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Meeting of the Federal Government-Länder Working Group on Combating Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Labour Exploitation, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Germany), September 4, 2023 

How Do Other Countries Handle it? Presentation of National Action Plans against Labour Exploitation and/or Forced Labour Contributions from Norway, Spain and Israel

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)


From Welfare Society to Sustainable Futures, Kibbutzim College of Education (Israel), February 28, 2023 

Opening Remarks - Dr. Yuval Livnat

Labor Law for Supply Chain Capitalism - Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Continuing Education Program for Judges of the Population and Migration Tribunals, Israel Ministry of Justice, Virtual Format, February 22, 2023 

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI), Hanny Ben-Israel (Doctoral Fellow)


Institutional Experiments for Welfare of Informal Workers, Ambedkar University, School of Development Studies, Delhi, February, 13, 2023  

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI), presented with Prof. Shelley Marshall (RMIT University) and Prof. Babu P. Remesh (Ambedkar University Delhi)

Democratic Participation in the Informal Labour Sector: Politics, Institutions, Policies, and Practices, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Dept. of Sociology, February 9, 2023 

Labor Governance in the Informal Economy: A Labour Approach to Human Trafficking, Supply Chain Governance and the Case of Mathadi Workers

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Migration and Human Trafficking, Ozmat Institute (Israel Judiciary), December 13, 2022  

Human Trafficking and Labor Migration in Israel - Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Debt Bondage - Hanny Ben-Israel (Doctoral  Fellow)

Binding Arrangements - Adv. Michal Tadjer  (Workers' Rights Clinic)

Law and Book Club: Maps and Territories, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, December 8, 2022  [in Hebrew] 

Migrant Work - Mobility, Stationarity and Global Economic Exploitation

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Changing the World through our Consupmption, Fair Trade Israel, Virtual Format, December 4, 2022 

Is There Still Slavery in Israel in 2022?

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Webinar details available here [in Hebrew].

Inventing Negotiation: Social Movements and Disputing for a Better World, Onati Interational Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain, July 11-12, 2022

Corporatism for the Informal Economy  - the Case of Mathadi Boards

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI), presented with Prof. Shelley Marshall (RMIT University) and Prof. Babu P. Remesh (Ambedkar University Delhi)


Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Conference, University of Amsterdam, July 9-10, 2022

Restructuring Labour Law for Supply Chain Capitalism, Innovation in GVCs panel

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Annual Conference of The Israeli Association for the Research of Prostitution and Sex Work, June 23, 2022 

A Socio-Legal Analysis of Reforms in the Regulation of Sex Work: The Case Study of End Demand Legislation in Israel

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI), Dr. Inga Thiemann (Visiting Research Fellow)

Law and Society Association (LSA), Lisbon Portugal, June 13-16, 2022

Restructuring Labour Law for Supply Chain Capitalism – A Feminist Perspective in the Gender and Political Economy Roundtable - Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Regulating informal labor in GVCs: Learning from Mathadi Boards - Prof. Hila Shamir (PI), presented with Prof. Shelley Marshall (RMIT University)

Transparency Legislation and Worker-Driven Social Responsibility The Challenge of Labour Governance in Supply Chain, Forced Labour in GVCs panel  - Prof. Hila Shamir (PI), Dr. Tamar Barkay (Research Fellow)

LLRN Summer Seminar 2: Migrant Domestic Workers, Bristol Centre for Law and Work, June 15, 2022 

Discussion of Vera Pavlou’s new book, Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Law and the Construction of Vulnerability 

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Faculty Seminar, Haifa University Faculty of Law, March 23, 2022 

Presented the paper: Anti-Trafficking Chains in GVCs Corporate Transparency Legislation and Worker Driven Social Responsibility

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)


Critical Analysis of Law Workshop, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, February 10, 2022

Anti-Trafficking Chains in GVCs: Corporate Transparency Legislation and Worker Driven Social Responsibility

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)


The Face of the Struggle Against Human Trafficking in Israel 2021, Jerusalem, December 9, 2021

An Alternative Anti-Trafficking Plan in Israel

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Full conference schedule available here.

Feminism and the Law, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, November 28, 2021

Panel on Human Trafficking

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Details available here.

8th Annual India and Sustainability Standards International Dialogues and Conference, Online, October 27-29, 2021

Modern Slavery and the Governance of Global Value Chains

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Full conference schedule available here.

Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG), Annual International Conference, London, August 31-September 3, 2021

Interrogating the Dyamic Relationship between Trafficking, Anti-trafficking, Borders, and Borderings, and their Implications

Dr. Ayushman Bhagat (Post-doctoral Fellow), Co-convener

Everyday Carcerality of Trafficking Borders

Dr. Ayushman Bhagat (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Details available here.


Seminar: Commissioner for Foreign Workers' Labor Rights and the Institutes for Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center, Virtual Format, July, 2021

Migrant Workers for Agriculture in Israel - Policy and Enforcement Aspects

Dr. Yahel Kurlander (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Entangling Histories of International Trafficking, University of Erfurt, Virtual Format, July 9, 2021

Destination Bias in the Literature of Human Trafficking

Dr. Ayushman Bhagat (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Virtual Format, July 2-5 ,2021

Anti-Trafficking Chains: Corporate Responsibility and the Challenge of Labor Governance in Global Value Chains

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI) and Dr. Tamar Barkay (Research Fellow)

Labour Law Research Network Conference, University of Warsaw, Virtual Format, June 27-29, 2021

Multilateral Collective Bargaining, presented in the “Labour Law And Global Value Chains (GVCS)” panel

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Panel: It’s not (Just) the Pandemic! Othered Workers, Labour Rights, Exclusions and Resistance

Chair: Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)

Slow Movement: Changes and Persistence in Regulation of Palestinian Workers in Israel

Adv. Maayan Niezna (Visiting Research Fellow)

Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University (Thailand), Virtual Format, June 23, 2021  

Thai Agricultural Migrant Workers in Israel During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dr. Yahel Kurlander (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Annual Conference of The Israeli Association for the Research of Prostitution and Sex Work, June 17, 2021 

Public Opinion About Israel’s End Demand Legislation

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI), with Guy Shilo and Einat Peled


Conference of the Trinational Research Project Decent Care Work? Transnational Home Care Arrangements, Goethe University (Frankfurt, Germany), Virtual Format, April 6, 2021 

Keynote Address: Migrant in-Home Care Workers in the Age of COVID-19: Vulnerabilities, Coalitions, Opportunities

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI) 


COVID-19 and Human Trafficking Solutions: Journal of  Modern Slavery COVID-19 Special Edition Research Update, Rights Lab, University of Nottingham, UK, Virtual Format, January 21, 2021

Underlying Conditions: The Codification of Migrant Workers under COVID-19

Adv. Maayan Niezna (Visiting Research Fellow)

Labor Migration and COVID-19, Ruppin Academic Center, Virtual Format, December 16, 2020

Due to the Pandemic - Agricultural Labor Migration During COVID-19

Dr. Yahel Kurlander (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Haifa University Faculty of Law: Work in the Age of COVID-19  - Webinar Series, May 10, 2020  [in Hebrew]

COVID-19 and Migrant Worker Policy - Opportunities for Solidarity and Resistance

Prof. Hila Shamir (PI)  


The 6th Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel, May 18-20, 2020  [in Hebrew] - Postponed

Crucial Yet Disavowed: Three Decades of Relations between Israeli Farmers and Thai Migrant Workers

Yahel Kurlander (Post-Doctoral Fellow)

Preventing Work Accidents in the Construction Industry, Alrov Insitute for Real Estate Research, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Management, January 15, 2020 [in Hebrew]

Migration and Its Influence on the Rights of Construction Workers

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI)


Migrant Workers in Israel: Responsibility, Ethics and Society, Beit Hillel Annual Conference, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. January 7, 2020 [in Hebrew]

Temporary Migrant Workers in Israel: Between an Employment Relationship and Exploitation -  Dr. Hila Shamir (PI)

When the Patient is the Employer – Challenges in Employing a Worker within the Family - Adv. Idit Zimmerman (Clinic Attorney)

Permanent Workers in the Backyard: Migrant Agricultural Workers - Yahel Kurlander (Research Fellow), Dr. Hila Shamir (PI) 

We Wanted Workers, We Got People: Ethical Questions in Temporary Migrant Work Programs - Dr. Avinoam Cohen, Dr. Yuval Livnat (Research Fellows)

Israel Law and Society Association Annual Conference: Winter 2019, Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law, December 29, 2019 

TraffLab Panel: Transparency Laws and Global Standardization in the Regulation of Trans-Border Exploitation in the Global Economy

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI) and Research Fellows: Dr. Tamar Barkay, Dr. Avinoam Cohen, and Dr. Klaas Henrik Eller

The Van Leer Conference on Globalization, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. November 25-26, 2019 [in Hebrew]

TraffLab Roundtable on  Labor Exploitation in the Global Age: A Critical Approach to the Interanational Struggle Against Human Trafficking

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI), Research Fellows: Dr. Tamar Barkay, Dr. Avinoam Cohen, Yahel Kurlander, Doctoral Fellow: Adv. Hanny Ben-Israel, and Dr. Tamar Megiddo (Reseach Fellow), Yonat Ben-Ozer (LL.M Fellow)


Rethinking Law and Boundaries: The 5th Annual TAU Workshop for Junior Scholars in Law, Tel Aviv University Buchmann Facutly of Law, November 17-19, 2019 

TraffLab Panel on Mass Immigration, Human Trafficking and the Law

Commentators: Dr. Avinoam Cohen (Research Fellow) and Dr. Ken Obura (visiting Research Fellow)


EuroCrim 2019 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Ghent, Belgium, September 18-21, 2019

Overlaps Between Corporate Criminology and the Regulation of Labour Exploitation: A Case Study of the UK Construction Industry

Dr. Jonathan Davies (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Conference details available here.

Cooperating against CrossBorder Crime: Israeli, European, and Global Perspectives, IDC Herzlyia, Israel, September 18-19, 2019

A Labor Approach to Human Trafficking: Expanding the Anti-trafficking Tool Kit to Address Structural Causes of Severe Forms of Exploitation

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI) 

47th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Barcelona, September 4-6, 2019

Long Path to Resistance – Migrant Workers on Strike 

Hanna Malik (Visiting Research Fellow)

Consent: Histories, Representations, and Frameworks for the Future, Durham University, (UK), August 5-6, 2019

The Formation of  Workers´ Consent and Agency – Intra-EU Migrants between Opportunity and Exploitation 

Hanna Malik (Visiting Research Fellow)


Labour Law Research Network Conference, Valparaiso, Chile, June 23-25, 2019

Spectrums of Agency and Vulnerability: Migration Regimes and Sectoral Segmentation in the Israeli Construction Sector

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI) and Dr. Assaf Bondy (Research Fellow)

Full Program is available here.


2nd Biennial EUROC Workshop, University of Manchester School of Law, Manchester UK, June 12-14, 2019

The Regulation and Governance of Anti-Trafficking Chains 

Dr. Jonathan Davies (Post-doctoral Fellow)

2019 European Junior Faculty Forum for Public Law and Jurisprudence - London School of Economics, June 10-11 2019

Learning From the BITs: Bilateral Labor Agreements in Comparative Perspective

Dr. Tamar Megiddo (Research Fellow)


Seminar Series – Center for the Studies of Men and Masculinities, Department of Sociology, Stony Brook University (NY, USA), June 7, 2019

Labor Approach to Human Trafficking Analyzed through Theories of Masculinities

Yahel Kurlander (Research Fellow)


Workshop on Justice and Labor Rights in the Global Era, Humanities and Social Sciences Fund, Israel, June 2-4, 2019

Anti-Trafficking Chains: the Case of the UK Construction Sector

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI), Dr. Tamar Barkay (Research Fellow), Dr. Jonathan Davies (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Predatory Purchasing Practices in Global Supply Chains, the Squeeze on Workers, and the Call for a Universal Labour Guarantee 

Dr. Assaf Bondy (Research Fellow)

Gallery talk: “Defense Lines”  art exhibition Tel Aviv University at the Tel Aviv University Gina Shreiber Art Gallery, May 27, 2019

Between Lines of Defense and Lines of Exclusion: Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers and Human Trafficking in Israel

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI) in conversation with with Emmy Saar of Kav LaOved 

Details (in Hebrew)


Seminar: Role of Clinics in Strategic Litigation, Vrije Universiteit Faculty of Law, Amsterdam, May 9-10, 2019

Strategic Litigation Based on a Labor Approach to Human Trafficking: The Israeli Case of Temporary Migrant Workers in Foreign Construction (Execution) Companies

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI) and Adv. Idit Zimmerman (Workers’ Rights Clinic Attorney)


Beyond Discourse: Critical and Empirical Approaches to Human Trafficking, University of Kansas (USA), April 4-5, 2019

Trafficking & Forced Labour of Migrant Workers – Conceptual and Practical Challenges

Adv.Maayan Niezna (Visiting Research Fellow)

Full program available here.

Israel Law and Society Association Annual Conference: Markets, Law and Inequality, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, January 20, 2019

TraffLab Panel: The Regulation of Markets for Temporary Work and Migration

Research Fellows: Dr. Assaf Bondy, Dr. Avinoam Cohen, Yahel Kurlander, Hanny Ben-Israel, and Dr. Hila Shamir (PI)

International Development Group Fall Forum. Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  September 18, 2018

A Labor Perspective on Human Trafficking

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI)


University of Texas at Austin, Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, November 28, 2018

Feminist Approaches to the Regulation of Sex Work: Patterns in Transnational Governance Feminism Law Making

Dr. Hila Shamir (PI)

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TraffLab is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 
Grant agreement No 756672. 

Principal Investigator: Hila Shamir
Host Institution: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Duration: 5 years
Start date: April 1st, 2018

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